04 February 2015

Free Download Best Software That Necessary For Windows OS

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Important List of Basic PC Software for Microsoft Windows OS

Hello Friends,when we format our PC/Laptop and re-install Operating system like Windows 7,Windows 8 or Any Latest version of Microsoft Operating systems only default software installed with that OS.After that we need to download some required software for operate windows OS  we install Some PC/Laptop Drivers as per needed and other software like Web-Cam,Microsoft Office, any Antivirus, Latest Web browsers like Google Chrome,Mozilla Firefox etc,adobe reader,adobe flash player for streaming YouTube,winrar software and any other media player like VLC etc...  

Lets Explore Latest and  Needful PC Software 

1. Microsoft Operating Systems

If you want to start you PC/Laptop, you must installed any operating system either Microsoft OS or Mac OS.Here some Microsoft's Operating systems that generally all peoples are used.

1. Windows 7

  • Windows 7 Home Basic
  • windows 7 Professional
  • windows 7 Ultimate

2. Windows 8
3. Windows 8.1
4. Windows 10

You can download it from Microsoft Website or from Torrent or any other website.

2. Microsoft Office

Microsoft have an Office software  like MS office 2007,2010,2013 and latest office version is MS Office 2013.This product of Microsoft include most usable tools like Microsoft Word,Microsoft PowerPoint,Microsoft Excel,Outlook,Access,One Note,Publisher etc. and all this tool are most important for us.

Most Important note that is all this Microsoft product is not free available in market,if you want to use it you need to buy it or download crack version of it from Google.

Official Link for Download Microsoft Office latest Version Download Here

3. Web Browsers

After installation of Windows OS ,Internet Explorer web browser comes default but generally peoples does not use it because of slower browsing speed. So you need to install Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox for internet surfing or download software.
You can download this browser from our Web browser labels from Right side bar. 

Download Google Chrome web browser

4. Adobe Flash Players

If you want to surf or stream live videos from Internet, you need to install some flash players.Adobe flash player is the best and trust worthy software that every people use.This Product is absolutely free for use and do not go for crack or full version.Just go on official adobe website and download. Also i give you official link Below. 

You can Download Latest Version of Flash Player from Here Download

5. Adobe Reader

Adobe Reader is used for read .pdf files. After installation of OS this software is must need to read PDF files because every where you need help online or read books from Laptop/PC you must need it  and  without this reader you does not able  open pdf files and also this software is freeware and available in adobe official website.So for download this software click on Below link.There is always Latest Version of it.

6. WinRar

WinRar is a software used for extracting in rar files and best for send files through Email.Because of using this software size of file is less then original file.Without this software you can not extract .Rar , ZIP and many more files.It is a freeware software so you can download it from official Rar Website that is given below.

Download Latest version of WinRar Software

7. VLC Media Player

Vlc Media player is used by mostly peoples for mp3 and video player. It supports any mp3 or video files extensions. So it is more comfortable for user and Easy to use.

Download Latest Version of VLC Media Player.

Important Note : Do not forget to install all drivers related to your system.Missing of Drivers might effect you system or some of above software.

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Hope you like Our list of Basic List of Windows software for PC/Laptop and always remember this list of software because operate you System Normally this software very useful.

Don't forget to like this Software and any doubt please comment below, i will try my best to resolve you query.


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